Deployment of seeded lines and horizontal substrates completed


At the end of March 2014 Ocean Rainforest replaced the existing growth lines at the Macro Algae Cultivation Rig in Funningsfirði with 75 new seeded lines. In addition, we also seeded and deployed two horizontal substrates in order to explore whether the growth rates can be improved further with these types of substrates. The trial with the substrates is done in collaboration with Belgian Sioen Industries which have provided us with the substrates and Norwegian Hortimare which have provided substances and advice for the seeding of the substrates.
The weather conditions on the day of the operation were to our advantage, so we were able to conduct the deployment at a good success rate with regards to technical deployment. As to whether the growth will be to as expected, only time will show. We will certainly keep you updated here.

Ocean Rainforest