The overall aim of LTA BOOST is to develop Low Trophic species Aquaculture (LTA) in Danish waters to exploit an underutilised native resource.
This is achieved by opening the 3 bottlenecks in production: 1) Stable commercial-scale seed production; 2) Efficient grow out methods for Danish waters; 3) Cost-efficient water treatment for on-land facilities.
LTA BOOST will answer the increasing global demand for low or zero CO2 footprint food production with low, or even positive environmental impacts. By improving and expanding LTA production, CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 80% over conventional food production.
LTA BOOST focusses on two high-value species as keystones for boosting LTA in Denmark, where market demands for low emission food are increasing: The native flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) and the red macroalgae dulse (Palmaria palmata).
LTA BOOST will develop the technologies required to bring production to a level where they can be directly implemented into new production by the LTA BOOST business partners.
Specific objectives are to:
a) Create a production technology with a potential capacity of 3,000 t flat oysters annually. This is done by developing and ensuring: disease free broodstock; a stable annual supply of 2-6 M disease-free oyster seed to the industry; and new grow out systems that can deliver high survival rates and fast growth to reach commercial size within a 3 yr cycle.
b) Increase production technology to a capacity of dulse to a commercially relevant scale (up to 200 t/yr) by establishing and developing: A seed bank for year-round seed supply; species specific light technology for high-yield and low-energy-cost production, a land-based grow out system for clean, controlled production, a scalable, cost-efficient sea rig system for high-yield production in open water. The technologies developed within LTA BOOST will be implemented during the project and reach full production capacity within 3-8 years after the project ends.
For further information:
Contact Urd Grandorf Bak,
Visit the project homepage: