Best poster award to research in Faroese seaweed


Urd Grandorf, industrial PhD student at Ocean Rainforest, was ranked as number one the Best Poster awards at the 6th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology in Nantes, France, which took place from 17-23 juni 2017. More than 500 scientists and industrial stakeholders participated in the conference, and Urd presented two posters based on her research: “Seasonal variation of iodine in Faroese Kelps cultivated offshore for food and feed” and “Seasonal variation of trace metals and inorganic arsenic in Faroese Kelps”.


It was the poster on Seasonal variation of iodine in Faroese Kelps that was awarded as the best poster. The conclusion of the research is that S. latissima contain in average 14 times more iodine than A. esculenta, and that large seasonal variation was found for S. latissima with lowest levels during typical harvest season (April-August). The results will benefit consumers as they will know the expected iodine concentration of the batch they buy depending on harvesting time.

The research is conducted in collaboration between Ocean Rainforest and researches at Technical University of Denmark, where Urd in enrolled as industrial PhD student. The work is part of the project "MacroValue", co-funded by Nordic Innovation, and "Macrobiocom", funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and Ocean Rainforest.

Ocean Rainforest